Course Chapters

5 Chapters (14 lessons); Discussion prompts for integration of the material in each lesson

    1. Welcome & Orienting

    1. Breaking the cycle

    2. The language of your body

    3. The insecure strategies

    4. Secure attachment to self

    1. The autonomic nervous System & the female nervous system

    2. Cycle embodiment

    3. The physiology of the inner seasons

    4. Embodying the inner seasons

    1. Tying it all together

    1. Moving from protection to connection

    2. Creating security in relationship

    3. Conscious relating

    4. Navigating triggers, rupture, & repair

    1. Congrats + Gratitude

About this course

  • $444.00
  • Incredible bonus material including guided somatic movement practices, guided pelvic embodiment breathwork, chinese medicine cycle support, & conscious relationship exercises ($3500 value)
  • Lifetime discount on 1x1 somatic healing sessions with Erin
  • 3 Live group sessions for co-regulation & integration of the material + one FREE 1x1 coaching call with Erin while in the course ($600 value)

Move from protection to connection in relationship with yourself & others